étudiants en cours d'anglais à l'école de Dublin en Irlande
Ecole Kaplan à Dublin

Impara l'inglese a Dublino con la scuola Kaplan

Un'esperienza linguistica indimenticabile in Irlanda

Prossima al "Dublin Castle", nel vivace quartiere di "Temple Bar", la scuola di inglese Aspect ILA occupa un'antica residenza parrocchiale con vista sul fiume Liffey. Completamente ristrutturata internamente, la scuola dispone di 12 aule luminose, di un centro multimediale all'avanguardia e di una grande mediateca per la formazione linguistica degli studenti. Per adattare il tuo soggiorno linguistico ai tuoi gusti, la scuola offre corsi standard e intensivi, corsi di inglese per gli affari, corsi di preparazione agli esami Cambridge FCE (First Certificate in English) e CAE (Certificate in Advanced English). È inoltre possibile svolgere un semestre o un anno di studio dell'inglese.

Scopri Dublino

La città offre innumerevoli attività culturali e ricreative. Ad esempio, il "Dublin Castle" è splendido e ancora utilizzato per cerimonie politiche, il Phœnix Park, dove i cervi vivono in libertà, ospita edifici storici e lo zoo di Dublino, la Cattedrale di San Patrizio, o il Brazen Head, il pub più antico della città con musica tradizionale. Il responsabile delle attività organizza programmi completi di svago che ti permettono di cogliere lo spirito di Dublino e dell'Irlanda. Ecco una panoramica: serate di musica tradizionale irlandese e passeggiate per scoprire la vita notturna di Dublino, golf, equitazione, pesca e sport acquatici, escursioni a Kilkenny, alle Wicklow Mountains e al Castello di Blarney.

Scuola di lingue Kaplan Dublino in immagini

  • Minimum age : 16
  • Number of classes : 10
  • Number of students per class : 12
  • Levels : elementary to high advanced
Holidays :
17-mar-2025, 18-apr-2025, 21-apr-2025, 5-mag-2025, 2-giu-2025, 4-ago-2025, 27-ott-2025
Vacations :
From 20.12.25 to 28.12.25
  • Wifi
  • 3 stars
  • Cours généraux
  • Préparation aux examens
  • Longue durée
  • Cours spéciaux
  • acels
  • Wifi
  • 3 stars
  • Cours généraux
  • Préparation aux examens
  • Longue durée
  • Cours spéciaux
  • acels

Corsi di inglese presso Kaplan Dublino

General English

From 265.00 EUR / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 16 (12 avg)
Number of courses per week : 20 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 4-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 18-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 5-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 28-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Semi-Intensive English

From 300.00 EUR / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 16 (12 avg)
Number of courses per week : 27 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 4-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 18-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 5-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 28-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Intensive English

From 330.00 EUR / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 16 (12 avg)
Number of courses per week : 35 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : elementary to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 4-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 18-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 5-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 28-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Business Supplementary

From 330.00 EUR / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 16 (12 avg)
Number of courses per week : 35 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 4-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 18-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 5-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 28-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

IELTS Intensive

From 330.00 EUR / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 16 (12 avg)
Number of courses per week : 35 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 4-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 18-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 5-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 28-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

IELTS Supplementary

From 330.00 EUR / week
Minimum age : 16
Students max per class : 16 (12 avg)
Number of courses per week : 35 lessons of 45 min.
School days : Monday to Friday
Levels : intermediate to high advanced
Start dates : 6-gen-2025, 13-gen-2025, 20-gen-2025, 27-gen-2025, 4-feb-2025, more10-feb-2025, 17-feb-2025, 24-feb-2025, 3-mar-2025, 10-mar-2025, 18-mar-2025, 24-mar-2025, 31-mar-2025, 7-apr-2025, 14-apr-2025, 22-apr-2025, 28-apr-2025, 6-mag-2025, 12-mag-2025, 19-mag-2025, 26-mag-2025, 3-giu-2025, 9-giu-2025, 16-giu-2025, 23-giu-2025, 30-giu-2025, 7-lug-2025, 14-lug-2025, 21-lug-2025, 28-lug-2025, 5-ago-2025, 11-ago-2025, 18-ago-2025, 25-ago-2025, 1-set-2025, 8-set-2025, 15-set-2025, 22-set-2025, 29-set-2025, 6-ott-2025, 13-ott-2025, 20-ott-2025, 28-ott-2025, 3-nov-2025, 10-nov-2025, 17-nov-2025, 24-nov-2025, 1-dic-2025, 8-dic-2025, 15-dic-2025, 29-dic-2025, less

Alloggi presso Kaplan Dublino


- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
Single room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
Single room
Private bathroom
Half board
Not specified
From 225.00 EUR / week

Homestay (Under 18)

- Minimum age : 0
Double room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
Single room
Shared bathroom
Half board
Not specified
Single room
Private bathroom
Half board
Not specified
From 250.00 EUR / week

Ardcairn House +18 ans

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Not specified
From 400.00 EUR / week

Ardcairn House -18

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
Not specified
From 430.00 EUR / week

LIV Residence (-18)

- Minimum age : 0
Single room
Private bathroom
Not specified
From 510.00 EUR / week
Optional courses